Trygve, Troll, Enchanted Forest

How many times in a row can you say Trygve the Tree Troll?

Trygve the Tree Troll has the same name as my brother, and it may be hard to believe, but Trygve the Tree Troll lives a ten minute walk away from my home, in a place called The Enchanted Forest, which is a gift to our community from a very cool local benefactor named Bennet.

Whether you believe in trolls or not, they actually show themselves from time to time. I think one of my family members might be a troll. I plan later to do a blog post on the Aurora Bridge Troll in Seattle, whom I used to visit when I lived there. Also please check back to look for more of my posts in the future to feature the magical creatures of the Enchanted Forest. And FYI, Trygve the Tree Troll does not need to buy a vowel, that is really how you spell his name!