Illustration From Secret Saga

Elves Can Be Anywhere…

Hispanic elf

Illustration from Secret Saga

Elves Can be Anywhere…

Ogn Magnusson profile pic

Hi! My name is Ögn.

Elf Home, night sky shimmering lights

I'm so glad you are here!

I grew up in a tiny home built by my grandfather from salvaged lumber that blew up on the beach during a storm.

As a teenager I lived for awhile in Iceland, the country of my family’s people, as well as the magical land of elves and Viking sagas.

Later, I worked as a Las Vegas Art Director, creating illusionary images for big name entertainment. Those days in Las Vegas introduced  me to larger than life images and people.

These days you can find me seeking signs of the elves or swimming with the shimmering mermaids in the beautiful sea nearby. I am thankful to be able to return home to that tiny house once again to live, only now with my sweetheart. At night I still dream of elves dancing under the starlit sky.

Althing, Alþingi, Icelandic Viking government

Some Secret Saga Inspirations

(Illustration above depicts the Allthing from Secret Saga).

As a teenager in Iceland, I attended the 1100th anniversary of the Icelandic government, the Alpingi or Allthing. It was held outdoors at Pingvellir, which is the same location where the Vikings held it all those years ago.

Over 60,000 people from around the world attended and like me, thousands of them camped in tents, in similar fashion to the Vikings. The Allthing is one of the oldest democracies, and is the oldest surviving parliament in the world. It became the first inspiration for my book Secret Saga.

When I left Iceland, the people who took me in gave me a beautiful card entitled, “Nu dansa alfarnir í hverjum hol”, which translates as “Now the elves are dancing in every hill”. The beautiful artwork depicting the elves dancing around a fire at night enchanted me in ways that I have never forgotten.

Some Examples of my Work as a Las Vegas Art Director:

Tina Turner
Sting Logo
Roger Waters, Pink Floyd

Founding Member of Pink Floyd

All Las Vegas images © MGM Grand.

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