According to Norse mythology, Light Elves or Ljósálfar are one of a race of elves who live above ground and are radiant.

According to Wikipedia, the light elves live in Álfheimr, (Old Norse ‘Elf Home’ or ‘Elf World’) and are “fairer than the sun to look at”.

The Ljósálfar are mentioned in the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. Gangleri (the king Gylfi in disguise)  says that there are many fine places in heaven, including a place called Álfheimr and goes on to say that the Ljósálfar live there.

In Iceland, elves are believed to be life sized, and are thought to occasionally interact with humans.

Legends say that some people may be part elven, a result of a liaison between an elf and a human.